Alan Durant was born in Sutton, Surrey, in the house in which his parents lived for fifty years. His two passions as a child were football (called soccer in the USA) and reading – especially the Narnia books by C S Lewis, Michael Hardcastle’s football stories and Enid Blyton’s Famous Five series. But his favourite books of all were a Manchester United Football Year Book from 1969 signed “To Alan from George Best” and The King of the Castle by Meriol Trevor that he came across quite by chance looking along a library shelf one day. These books are still his most treasured possessions.
After leaving Trinity School in Croydon, he went to Keble College, Oxford, to study English Language and Literature. He now works as a full-time author, writing stories and poems, visiting schools and running creative writing courses. He has three grown children. Alan lives in Brighton, England, and Picardy, France.
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Books by Alan Durant