Fran Manushkin grew up in Chicago, Illinois with five brothers and sisters and one dog, Snowball. She loved to read but had absolutely no inkling that she could grow up to be a writer. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Chicago Teacher’s College; after graduation, she moved to New York City and worked as an editor in the children’s book department of Harper & Row. Her first book, Baby (later titled Baby, Come Out!), was published in 1972, and she has written many books since. Fran has mentored writers and artists in Moscow, Budapest, and Tirana, Albania, through the Open Society Program of the George Soros Foundation. She is a member of the Pen American Center, the Author’s League, the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, the Central Park Conservancy, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
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Books by Fran Manushkin