Jacqueline Jules has wanted to be a writer since she was in third grade. One of her earliest memories of school was when her teacher gave everyone a strip of construction paper and asked them to write down what they wanted to be when they grew up. In her newly acquired cursive, Jacqueline wrote “writer.” All through school, Jacqueline wrote poetry and short stories. In college at the University of Pittsburgh, she received a B.A. in writing, and a few years later her poems and stories began to appear in magazines. In 1995 her first book, The Grey Striped Shirt, was published by Alef Design Group.
Jacqueline currently works as a librarian in a public elementary school in northern Virginia. Her students are always giving her new ideas. Unite or Die: How Thirteen States Became a Nation began as a skit she wrote for her students to celebrate Constitution Day. They had so much fun performing it that she expanded it into a picture book. Jacqueline is the author of several books for children, including Abraham’s Search for God (Kar-Ben) and The Ziz and the Hanukkah Miracle (Kar-Ben). Her poetry has been featured in over sixty publications, including Cricket, Cicada, and The Christian Science Monitor.
Jacqueline lives in northern Virginia and with her husband. She is also the proud mother of two grown sons. Her hobbies include walking, reading, and attending the theater.
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Books by Jacqueline Jules