Virginia Kroll attended Canisius College and the State University of New York at Buffalo. She was formerly an elementary school teacher and has raised six children of her own. It was Virginia's love of children that led her to begin her career as a children's writer in 1984.
Virginia has contributed more than 1500 items to juvenile magazines. She travels throughout the country speaking to children about writing multicultural books. She is the author of many children's books, including Wood-Hoopoe Willie, A Carp for Kimiko, Sweet Magnolia, Jaha and Jamil Went Down the Hill, Hats Off To Hair!, Masai and I (Four Winds Press), and Butterfly Boy (Boyds Mill Press).
Virginia has a special talent for understanding and communicating with children. Her efforts to cross cultural lines and address multicultural issues have won her the praise of critics and readers. She believes that, "every child has a special talent. In some children, it is easily recognized. In others, it is hidden and takes time." She hopes that every child who reads "will reach inside himself/herself and pull out that ability, passion, or drive that makes him/her unique."
Virginia lives in New York with her family.
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Books by Virginia Kroll